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Introduction to related climate change

This section is in preparation...

This section was opened on 03/11/2021.

This area is quite complex so we are working on extracting the principal issues.

We welcome ideas, thoughts and concerns sent in from our readership either as content production advice, and criticism, or as Forum contributions.

The near future challenge to political party survival can be summarized as a need for fundamental ethical decisions following approved standards of due diligence.

The UK constituents will be able to observe how politicians trade off the following interests:

This basic ethical decision model is the foundation of transparent options identification and analysis enabling evidence-based public choice. Unfortunately political party politics does not operate in this way to come up with policy propositions and true transparent public choice is usually resisted.

COP 26 is notable for its overlooking many missing components to the practical solutions to the issues at hand ...

The global hopes are greeted by an ethical wasteland in COP26; this has serious consequences

The editing or the final details of the COP26 communication is an example of erosion of ethics and moral principles on the one hand and e reflection of the enormity of the challenge facing the people of the world on the other. Prudence on the part of governments made up of political parties captured by the main financial and hydrocarbon party contributions. The delays in action only condem future generations to increasing difficulties and for increasing numbers, suffering and death. In the context of Covid-19 the world witnessed the the behaviour of corporations and their governments competing over vaccine rights, profits, and distribution as an indication of what to expect; there was no urgency in saving the lives of people now so what can be expect for levels of concern and action for effective climate change action to save the lives of future generations.

Rather than compete countries need to collaborate on identifying practical solutions.

COP 26 has not been particularly edifying because of the range of "promises" gaining headlines with no analysis of the feasibility of achieving them. Political parties in government, do not wish to talk about political corruption or the dependency of political parties on funding received from the very organizations whose activities cause climate change. In the context of politics without parties, it is not difficult to detect that the main tensions being created are the result of the power by proxy political party system where political parties rely on funding from financial and hydrocarbon extraction organizations. At the extreme, in relation to the declarations on the termination of deforestation by some date is a figment of imagination. For example, in Brazil the murder of well over 1,700 environmental and indigenous activists it testament to the levels of intimidation throughout Rain Forest regions such as the Amazon imposed by land grab mafia who also provide contributions to political parties. Convictions run at around 2% of cases. Amongst those murdered were functionaries of the main organization charged with preventing deforestation (IBAMA). Certainly the current Brazilian government under its past Secretary for the Environment and current president, has done nothing to stop this carnage but has allowed it to continue.

Advocacy for a stronger operational framework

The reaction to this reality is what can be done here in the UK to have any effect. Certainly it is not to applaud a ridiculous declaration of the termination of deforestation since it is simply not feasible under current conditions. The same is probably true for the other main Rain Forest regions in Indonesia and the Congo. However, since this lack of management puts the whole global population in danger it is worth looking to across the board sanctions on imports from countries like Brazil who tolerate such carnage and do nothing to stop the invasion of indigenous reserves and murder of activists.

Food production and population

A way to slow up the rise in CO2 and temperatures is to slow up the growth in the human population through more widespread family planning and the distribution of means of avoiding unwanted pregnancies. The other factor is technologies and techniques need to change to ones that emit less greenhouse gases. The overall impact of rises in temperatures, even half a degree, is that water access becomes less available to crops as a result of evaporation and more water is transferred to the atmosphere resulting in heavy downpours which are so intense as to cause soil erosion and land slips. The decline in water availability results in a fall in crop yields. Already the miracle green revolution rices have suffered a 15% decrease in yields and coffee in Brazil has had to be relocate to higher cooler regions. SEEL-Systems Engineering Economics Lab who model agricultural production systems say that in the world's production regions North and South of the Equator up to parallel 45 will suffer from declines in crop yields. The rate of yield declines at higher latitudes will be slower but will also occur in lower lying regions. Overall the areas suffering from yield declines take in all of the major grain growing regions.

In terms of deforestation and reforestation and carbon loss and capture. SEEL reports that those regions in Rain Forest zones that have been deforested will resists reforestation and as a result of climate change the rise in temperatures will result in the growth in planted trees not offsetting what has been removed because of the lower tree growth rates as a result of less access to water caused by climate change. Therefore we have passed beyond the tipping point and the extent of reforestation required is far larger than the areas removed to compensate for the slower growth and likely peak yields. This situation will become more critical the longer the delays on arresting CO2 emissions and temperature rises.

CO2 emission calculations

The rate of CO2 can be calculated from the following equation:

CO2 = Population x CO2 released by Technologies applied/head

In economic terms:
CO2 = Population x GNP/capita x Technology operations/GNP x CO2/Technology operations

The actual CO2 emission/Technology depends on the technology related to whether it is energy intensive or a natural system such as livestock production. Across all technologies is necessary to measure the energy input by type in terms of liquid and solid fuels, solar, hydro, wind and fodder to calculate the likely CO2 emission by technology so as to end up with a basic CO2 estimator as follows:

CO2 = Population x GNP/capita x Technology operations/GNP x CO2/Production technology type

This is a very crude measure but by identifying current and potential technologies across all sector supply chains it is possible to build up a clearer picture of where the most rapid reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gases can be secured.

We have received a considerable amount of input on this general area and will post this in due course.

It is time for a politics without parties!!