Information for British constituents with an interest in establishing participatory democracy and freedom from corrupt representation, factional impositions and unjust settlements

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Introduction to funding the democratic process

This section is in preparation...

If all eligible individuals registered to vote there would be about 49.25 million registered voters in the United Kingdom.

Even capping individual contributions to political activities as £2 per voter per month would generate an annual £1.19 billion.

Companies do not have the vote and therefore why are they permitted to influence policians through political contributions ... they are not needed.

What is required is a political system that people believe in and therefore they are willing to make small contributions.

There is a need to prevent the growing practice of political parties arranging through benefactors the organization of contribution clubs so that contributions appear to be coming from individuals when in fact the individuals are used as agents to transfer corporate cash.

An additional challenge is to avoid the formation of the US style Super-Packs where corporate funding is used to run publicity campaigns on behalf of specific politicians or parties. This greatly enhances the funds going into electoral promotional effort while at the same time asserting that this is a voluntary effort with no connection to the candidate concerned or party!

Once the majority of the constituents have understood the benefits of politics without parties many of these strategies, tricks and devices used to support specific politicians or parties will be to no avail since grouping of independent politicians would be resisted by each candidate, unless of course they were running a party like arrangement in the form of a secret society.

To prevent this is would be advisable to outlaw corporate contributions and make all contributions voluntary and individual with a specific and low cap. The cap should represent an amount of money that the majority can afford.

It is time for a politics without parties!!