Information for British constituents with an interest in establishing participatory democracy and freedom from corrupt representation, factional impositions and unjust settlements

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Introduction to online resources

Please note: The books section has been removed to improve the levels of detail to facilitate reader's access to points of access and or sales. The books section will reappear as a library in due course.

This section is a collection of online resources related to the topic of politics without parties. Added at the suggestion of a forum contribution. Please send in links of useful documents whose content can argue either way on this topic, for or against. Also this section can be used to post links to documents produced by readers. Contributors wishing to post articles can do so by sending them to the "Resources" unit at:    where they will be reviewed and posted in the Resources section. Resources cover politics without parties themes covering: General advantages and disadvantages of politics without parties; Establishing policy proposals and propositions and organizing public choice; Specific proposals on macroeconomic policies in favour of the wellbeing of the majority; Funding the democratic process. These contributions should not exceed 1,000 words although exceptions can be made for outstanding articles.


The assault on the democratic freedoms of the people of Britain

Covid-19 and the limited intellectual critical mass of political parties

The characteristics and incomes of the top 1% (video good summary)

The Scale of Economic Inequality in the UK

BBC: Can we have democracy without political parties?

BBC - Role of political parties

The trouble with political parties

Politics without frontiers - Demos

Politics - British Social Attitudes

two-party system | Features, Advantages, & Problems -Britannia

Young people's politics - Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Appointment of prime ministers and the role of the Queen

Councillors jumping ship means politics without the parties

Do UK political parties still fulfil their functions?

Update on Nolan principles

Carbon credits are an indulgence that greenwash ecosystem destruction

To rid Britain of corruption, start by reforming the House of Lords - Simon Jenkins


Politics Without Parties

America Is Now the Divided Republic the Framers Feared

Democracy Without Political Parties: Constitutional Options - PDF

Never mind the 1 percent Let's talk about the 0.01 percent

QUORA - comments thread in response to the question:
What would happen if there were no political parties in the United States?

POLITICAL PARTIES AND DEMOCRACY, Annual Review of Political Science

What If There Were No Political Parties?

Politics Without Parties: A Growing Trend?

11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Political Parties

Politics without parties

Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party"

Politics Without Politicians - The New Yorker

Our politics fails us, so here’s what to do - The Economist

Politics Without Parties - The future of trade unionism?

List of countries without political parties

Non-partisan democracy

Politics without politicians | Meer Democratie

It is time for a politics without parties!!